
The Twilight Zone meets Saturday Night Live in captivating collection of short stories! Science fiction, paranormal, mystery, suspense, drama and comedy, combined in one collection of plot twisting reads. Some tales based on true stories, there’s something for everyone. Curl up next to the fire or in your favorite nook, but don’t get too comfortable. One minute you’ll laugh, the next you’ll be sitting on the edge of your seat, and within a flip of the page the suspense so intense you’ll wonder if you’ll be able to sleep!


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3 reviews for Ten-Five: You’re Going Home Marine & Other Short Stories

  1. Sherry Q

    Most of the stories are very well-written; some of them have delightful and prickly twists. I enjoyed the collection for the most part. However, the author’s fresh wit and prose are sometimes spoiled by occasional cliches’ and errors in spelling and mechanics that could have been corrected by better copy editing. If not for those little issues, I would give the book 5 stars.

  2. Donita Bartell

    This book was great, it had everything, from laughs to frights! There’s great twists in alot of them too! It’s certainly a must read!

  3. Sue Ray

    This is one of the best books I’ve read recently. I love the fact it’s set mainly here in the ft worth area and I could relate to a lot of the places in it

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