

Where does love begin? Experience true love from the perspective of, The First Mom. A touching story that will make its way into every inch of your heart, tapping into every emotion a person can feel: joy, enlightenment, sadness, and even anger, Caroline pulls back the curtain on the life of a teenage mother as she shares her story of abandonment and rejection for the choices she made as a sixteen year old teenager. Reuniting with her daughter, Rebecca, did not come as easily as she’d hoped. Yet the pain, overshadowed by joy, reveals the love of being The First Mom. Providence For A First Mom is a must read.


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3 reviews for Providence for a First Mom

  1. Amazon Customer

    I am an adoptive mom x2. Maybe my expectation was misplaced. This birthmom wrote her story. It was well written. The authors story will relate to many young moms. It will be validating. The reminder of her feelings/emotions with the adoption was good for me. Very sincere and hard. Our adoption story was very different. I’m always looking for adoption books to help me understand and tuck away for my girls to have one day. This author communicated very well how much she loved and longed for her daughter that was adopted. Which is so validating and assuring to an adoptee!! I know this is true for birth moms. Circumstances,age, culture play a part in adoption. She was very thankful for the adoptive family and could see their love and nurture for the daughter. It is good to see a healthy reunification in adoption! Not always is this the case. I will hold onto this book. It took bravery to step out and be vunerable to write her story!

  2. K. Dail

    I knew Caroline when she was a sweet little preschooler but lost touch before this story starts. Knowing her and her family, the visualization was powerful! I couldn’t put the book down until I finished it. I’m so thankful she had Jesus with her during such a difficult time and thank Him for His grace and love. Thank you, Caroline, for sharing your story.

  3. Susan Gregory

    Caroline, I enjoyed reading the story of your reunion w/ Kimberlee, a.k.a. Rebecca immensely. I was moved to tears a number of times by feeling and imagining the heartache & grief and joy & love you experienced during your pregnancy through to your reunion eighteen years later. Reading your story delicately opened old wounds for me – – wounds that have begun their self-healing. Thank you for sharing your story.

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