
Greenlee Lynn Granger is about to find out how easily social media can be used as a malicious tool: a normal teen one day and ruined the next. Who knew a boy’s affections would turn her life into such a nightmare? Becoming a designated ‘project,’ a joke in front of the whole school, turns Greenlee’s life upside down. Relationships with her family and friends strained, she is forced to make mature decisions. Greenlee knows her choices will determine the future of her abusers. An emotional glimpse into the reality of cyberbullying. The Greenlee Project showcases the all-too-common anonymous and cruel betrayals of others through social media, of such magnitude that it devastates a young teen, her friends, family, and the community. Cyberbullying affects not just the victims, but everyone around them. After being the target of cyberbullying, what Greenlee does next is shocking.


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3 reviews for The Greenlee Project

  1. Sherrill S. Cannon

    Having read and enjoyed a couple of Amanda Thrasher’s Y/A novels, I decided to read The Greenlee Project. This book has won all kinds of awards, and I can see why! This book is a deeply troubling account of an initiation gone wrong, when a young girl’s reputation is ruined in the process of an attempt by an incoming football star to secure acceptance by his new team. Opportunist in nature, Machiavellian in scope, a young girl is subjected to betrayal and humiliation when a plot is hatched to make the young Greenlee think that Clay is interested in her, and then is devastated when another jealous girl shares a staged viral video to the public. The dangers of cyber-bullying are real – and are explicit in this story of a ruined reputation – but the story ends on a note of forgiveness and empathy from the revealed character strength of the protagonist and title character, Greenlee. I highly recommend this story to all… especially parents of teens!!

  2. E. Nieman

    I was blown away by The Greenlee Project. You hear so much about bullying and things that teenagers deal with online these days. This book tells the story of several teens dealing with pressure in startlingly different ways. The story has made me think about what someone in these situations could, should or are even capable of doing at such a young age. It’s been a few week since I finished the book, and I’m still thinking about how real the characters are. You feel like you could meet any of them at any high school any where. This book is great for any age group, but teens and their parents should definitely read The Greenlee Project.

  3. M. M. Bishop Award-winning author and poet

    The Greenlee Project struck a nerve with me that I am sure I will remember for the rest of my life. The courage of Greenlee was astounding under the circumstances and inspiring to me as I have been through my share of both cyber and in your face bullying. This book is a must read and should be a book that is required reading in every school.

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