
Amanda loves to work in the garden. One day, while raking leaves, she stumbles upon a tiny fairy. Not your typical fairy; but a rude garden fairy, can you imagine? What happens when fairies lose their magic? Find out in Amanda and the Lazy Garden Fairy by Deanna Klingel. A delightful quick read.


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2 reviews for Amanda and the Lazy Garden Fairy

  1. Margaret

    This is such a delightful book! Well written and full of lovely imagery for any child’s blooming imagination. My granddaughter thought that the very idea of a grumpy fairy was so strange & she was much relieved to hear the ending —– again, & again, & again! This book is a must for any child’s collection.

  2. Mr. and Mrs. Ben

    I loved reading this book and I’m 62 years young(poet
    & short story reader and newly children’s book writer)…

    The ending had me hooked to read more about the story but I guess I’ll have to use my vivid imagination.

    I can hardly wait to read it to my grand boys.

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